sand (1)
Growing up in the countryside most of my life I have become very fascinated with all the many textures of nature that can only be seen when you stop and look closely. For my project, I wanted to look at these textures in a city. It is these parts of nature that make me feel closer to home while I’m so far away.
bush (2)
I wanted to explore ways I could incorporate the city aspect of my life into the country part. I knew I didn’t want to add people or buildings so after lots of thinking I came up with an answer. Hair!!! Whilst this is a very abstract approach, we all have hair but what drew me to hair was the beautiful textures that hair has.
bark (3)
Playing around with mixing the textures of nature and hair, I was able to create a series of works that showed a seamless blend of both textures. A blend of my two homes, a blend that showcases who I am.
ivy (4)
I hope this series inspires you to stop and truly look and embarrass your surroundings.

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