Why aren’t we using public transport more? Our cities are choking on traffic because we all insist on driving. So, how do we change this? How do we free up our streets and make public transport something we actually want to use?
Enter Morph.
Morph transforms public transport from something dull and predictable into an experience that’s fun, engaging, and interactive. It brings a new layer of excitement to your daily commute.
The journey begins with a series of eye-catching, interactive posters that encourage the public to scan, get curious, and keep an eye out for what’s coming next.
The Morph app lets you create an avatar that’s as unique as you are. With endless textures, colors, and customization options, your avatar becomes a true reflection of your personality. It’s your digital twin, but cooler.
As I delved deeper into Cinema 4D, the possibilities started to explode. What began as simple shapes evolved into intricate avatars, like a rotating green disc, playful bubbles, or a cloth billowing in the wind. Not only was I having a blast exploring the software, but it also gave us a way to show people just how personal and creative their Morph avatars could be. With Morph, you’re not just hopping on a bus or train—you’re bringing your own unique vibe to the ride.
Co-designed with Caitlin Dever

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